Fall 2019 Newsletter

“I desire to do Your will, O my God; Your law is within my heart.”
Proverbs 40:8
Dear Friends,
Greetings to you in the name of our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus)! This has been such a watermark year for the CARP Ministry in El Salvador, and we are so thankful to God! Jeremiah 33:3 says: “Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” We had a taste of great and mighty things during our July trip; and when we returned to Frederick, the tall fields of vigorous corn spoke. As we drove past the swaying stalks, my thoughts were “abundant, bountiful.” That’s a description of our God, and He has shown Himself strong on our behalf!
This year was the beginning of a new era for the Central American Relief Project, as Cristo Centro Churches in El Salvador came under the spiritual covering of El Shaddai Congregation (Pastor Todd Westphal) and AIM, Alliance International Ministries (Rev. Terry King). All of us traveled in July for this landmark occasion – the ordination of the five pastors with whom we have worked for nineteen years. This is a good alliance, establishes a firm foundation, and allows a stream of blessings to flow.
In October, Pastors Francis Batarsé and Luis Paz traveled to Maryland to participate in the AIM Pastors’ Summit. The connection and relational link with other AIM pastors around the world has been stimulating for them both.

Ordination of Pastor Francis Batarsé by Pastors Todd Westphal and Terry King (with Pastors Zulma, Ginger and Patrick), San Salvador, 7.19.

Ordination of Lupita Martínez (Agua Santa); Néstor Herrera (Nahuilingo with wife Isela, l.); Luis Ventura (San Antonio del Monte); and Luis Paz (Sonsonate with wife Susy, l.), 7.19.
“This work has been done with the help of our God”
Nehemiah 6:16
Our thanks go to the Montessori schools in our area for their annual donation of children’s shoes: Frederick Country Day Montessori and The Children’s Center Montessori Schools in Germantown and Rockville, Maryland.
An opportunity to help: Please contact us if you would like to help buy vitamins to donate to the children in kidney dialysis at Benjamin Bloom Children’s Hospital, San Salvador.
Nursing and medical students, as well as health professionals at Cristo Centro’s San Salvador Church take part in an annual health fair for the congregation and the public: height, weight, blood pressure, and diabetes testing. They normally see 40 to 50 people. These three policemen took advantage of a free consultation by a healthcare professional.

Ester and her sister Raquel with their new shoes, 7.19.

Daniela enthusiastically awaits a patient at the health fair, 12.18.
“Many, Lord my God,
are the wonders You have done”
Psalm 40:5

Camila, Ashley, Andrea, and Daniela are part of the worship dance ministry in Sonsonate. Andrea is new to the CARP Project for 2020 and will begin private school. She is the daughter of a 2006 CARP graduate, 12.18.

After taking a blood sample, Paty advises members of the community’s National Civil Police on blood pressure, diet, and stress management, 12.18.

Building again: Nancy and her mom have lived for years in a one-room dwelling made of logs and cardboard, but a wind storm finally flattened their house this spring. With the aid of Cristo Centro Church, CARP sponsors, the “Leones” of San Miguel, and Ranchos Típicos Construction Co., they now have a new and secure house with a proper door, electric lights, tile floor, and windows. Thank you to all who gave to this project. Pastor Francis at the entrance of Nancy’s new house, 7.19.
The CARP Sponsorship Program continues with two new students: Andrea Rauda (Sonsonate) and Alessandro Peña (Nahuilingo). Andrea will attend Salarrué Academy, and Alessandro will go to a school for special needs, Ensueño Academy, both in Sonsonate. We are excited to welcome them both for 2020! We thank God that they have sponsors for their studies, a monthly food basket, school supplies, and vitamins.

Alessandro (4) with his parents, Vilma and Paúl.Andrea (10) with her mother, Juana.

Andrea (10) with her mother, Juana.
“My Community My Space”
“My Community My Space” is a rehabilitation and restoration plan for the Tuntunichapa neighborhood next to the Cristo Centro San Salvador Church. The first stage is complete with a stone sign and an upgraded “green space” at the entrance to the community. The congregation in Sonsonate is reaching out to a neighborhood to the south near Acajutla. An assortment of dwellings called “El Inicio” (The Beginning) has sprung up around an abandoned ranch. The long-term plan is to revitalize the farm to benefit the residents while discipling the adults and schooling the children in literacy. The eventual goal is to establish another satellite Cristo Centro Church.

New entrance sign for Tutunichapa neighborhood, San Salvador, 7.19.

This shelter on the property at El Inicio is used for meetings and literacy classes, 7.19.
“Consider yourselves to be dead to sin but alive for God, by your union with the Messiah Yeshua” (Romans 6:11).
The high school graduates since last Fall’s newsletter are: Josué Tejada (Dec. 2018) and Reina Marroquín (Dec. 2019). Josué has just finished a year in college, majoring in graphic design. Reina will go the university next year and study business. We thank Pastor Luke Robinson (Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church, Frederick, MD) and Daniela Raymond (El Shaddai) for traveling with us last December for Josué’s graduation and assisting us with the health fair and home visits.
Fátima Laínez graduated from the Evangelical University last December, reaching her lifelong goal of becoming a nurse. Ivonne Batarsé Ramírez attained a Master’s Degree in psychology from the Evangelical University this past September. Congratulations to the graduates!

Time off with family: Nalani, Francis, Jr., Pastors Luke, Francis and Patrick, 12.18. Pastor Luke preached an uplifting message in San Salvador and Sonsonate, and took part in the home visits.

Daniela with Pastors Zulma and Francis Batarsé, 12.18. She is a nurse and speaks Spanish, and helped us encourage many of the students and adults.
CARP’s Continuing Work

With each year, there are opportunities to help others and show the Lord’s love. He opens doors and says, “Here is the way, walk in it.” We feel His continual affirmation and trust His provision; His work is not in vain. There is still so much to do and learn, and no two mission trips are the same! We work as the hands of Yeshua among those who are so appreciative, and the rewards come from above – treasures in heaven. If you can help or want to be part of a trip, please contact us. Gifts to the CARP general fund are used for many of the students’ practical needs. May the Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom, be with you at year’s end, and may you have a blessed Hanukkah and Christmas season, and a happy 2020.
God bless you all,
God bless you all,
Pastors & CARP
Project Coordinators