Summer 2022 Newsletter


“It is God that girds me with strength, and makes my way perfect” Psalm 18:32

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you in the name of our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). This past year has also been a challenge for our friends in El Salvador, but our God has brought them through victoriously with peace and provision: “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). We have been born again to a living hope through Jesus the Messiah (1 Peter 1:3).

The CARP Sponsorship Program is twenty years old this year and continues in 2022 with twenty-one sponsored students. The three high school graduates in December 2021 were: Tatiana Escobar and Nancy Pérez, San Salvador, and Melody Paz, Sonsonate. Four students joined the CARP Program in January 2022: David González, Rebeca Herrera, and Ricardo Rodríguez (Sonsonate); and Yorleni Melgar (San Antonio del Monte). We welcome them and are thankful for their sponsors. In addition to school registration and tuition, they receive a monthly food basket, school supplies, and vitamins. Praise God, He continues to bring the increase!

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble”

Psalm 46:1

Alejandro sharing tips with parents for remote,
virtual learning, 2.21.

Alejandro and Psychologist Ivonne held a workshop last February entitled, “Managing Emotions and Technological Tools” to coach parents who out of necessity had become homeschool teachers – and managers of virtual learning for their children. They also touched on the psychological effects of the quarantine and isolation from classmates and loved ones.

CARP co-labors with six congregations in El Salvador, and all of their leaders are ordained under Alliance International Ministries (Rev. Terry King, Bridge of Life, Hagerstown, MD): San Salvador (Pastor Francis Batarsé), Sonsonate (Pastor Luis Paz), San Antonio del Monte (Pastor Luis Ventura), Agua Santa (Pastor Lupita Martínez), Nahuilingo (Pastor Néstor Herrera), and Santa Ana (Pastor Pedro Ramos). In September 2021, Pastors Batarsé and Paz traveled to Maryland for AIM’s annual retreat. They met in Middletown, Maryland, at a beautiful countryside setting, perfect for refreshing the spirit and spending time in fellowship and prayer. Thank you to El Shaddai Congregation (Pastor Todd Westphal) for supporting them in this trip.

The pastors also had the chance to join family, friends and congregants to honor Dr. Robert Scovner at his memorial service. A friend and compassionate physician to many, and a pro-life warrior, the Scovners sponsor a CARP student in El Salvador.

Pastors Francis, Luis and Patrick enjoy the beauty of a neighbor’s farm in Maryland, 9.21. 

Dr. Bob Scovner, 2020

Dr. Bob Scovner, 2020

Pastors Francis and Luis with Linda Scovner, wife of Dr. Bob, 10.21.

After twenty-one months without travel, our December 2021 trip was a blessing and a long-awaited opportunity to witness the students’ growth and maturity. In addition to visiting several homes, Pastor Francis Batarsé arranged a meeting with the current graduates and those already in college in both San Salvador and Sonsonate. This was the first informal meeting ever, and was such a meaningful time of sharing achievements, dreams and goals. All these students are still involved and serving in their congregations: Walter Ascencio (aeronautical engineering); Ever Orellana (Master’s in communications/public relations); Nancy Pérez (nursing school); Judá Bermúdez (systems engineering); Francis Batarsé, Jr. (medicine); Josué Tejada (graphic design); and Ivonne Batarsé Ramírez (Master’s in psychology). Some of the students said they never dreamed this could be possible; all thanked us for believing in them and persevering with them.

Students in San Salvador

Students in San Salvador (r. to l.) Walter, Ever, Nancy, Judá, Francis, Jr., Josué, Ivonne, Pastors Ginger, 12.21

Sonsonate we met for lunch with Fernanda Hernández (software design), Melody Paz (English), and Fátima Alvarenga (nursing).

In Sonsonate we met for lunch with Fernanda Hernández (software design), Melody Paz (English), and Fátima Alvarenga (nursing).

Nalani Ramírez participates in her virtual math class, 5.22.

This January 2022, most of the students returned to in-person classes; and for some, it had been two years since they were in a school building. Some said they had forgotten a few details of their subjects and had to be brought up to speed. Naturally, it has been a challenge for many students to complete all their assignments from home. Computers are a needed tool for those who still have to learn virtually, and they allow students good communication with their classmates and teachers. We want to thank Nick Pritchard (First Column IT, Manassas, VA) and John Hayden (El Shaddai Congregation) for providing and equipping us with six computers to send to El Salvador. We appreciate Engineer Alejandro Trigueros, who helped with set-up in El Salvador.

Left: Nalani Ramírez participates in her virtual math class, 5.22.

Below: A commemorative mask designed by Josué
Tejada, 12.21.


December 2021 marked the 25th anniversary of Cristo Centro Church San Salvador. Pastors Pedro & Nuria Ramos and family attended the celebration, here with Pastor Francis, congregant Carlos and son Jonathan Elí.

“The people who know their God shall be strong, and do great exploits”

Daniel 11:32b

Help For The Needy

Thanks go to our sponsors and friends for providing seed for the sower. Praise God, there is always enough in the storehouse to share with the saints in the CARP Program – and beyond! Despite the pandemic lock-down during most of 2021, Pastor Francis and friends traveled to a remote area of the Pacific Ocean to help a fellow pastor. We always send collected donations to El Salvador, and the villagers were excited to receive clothing and shoes. In addition, Cristo Centro donated packs of high-protein MANNA cereal.

New shoes and Manna cereal for the children at La Puntilla.
New shoes and Manna cereal for the children at La Puntilla.

New shoes and Manna cereal for the children at La Puntilla.

Thanks to the El Shaddai Congregation youth class and their leader, Pastor Jason Trevett. They have sponsored eleven-year-old Camila Cerén since 2016, blessing her with encouraging cards, drawings, and scriptures on her birthday and when we travel. Thank you all for your collaboration, creativity and enthusiasm!

Youth class at El Shaddai Congregation with their cards for Camila, 11.21.

Camila Cerén with
her cards, 12.21.

CARP’s Continuing Work

We live in demanding yet exciting times, as the world gets darker and more alienated from the God of Abraham. The word that Pastor Francis preached in October 2021 (“We are People of Faith and Hope Like Abraham”) convicts us and motivates us to keep our faith strong and be more obedient to share it with others. If we as believers remain faithful to our call to spread the Good News, “The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).

Tremendous Thanks To Our Sponsors And SupportersCARP’s Continuing Work

In God’s economy, there are always ways to show His love. With your contributions, we will finish 2022 well – and have sufficient stores to launch 2023. Please be in touch if you want to help financially with the general fund, with vitamins for the kidney patients at the Benjamin Bloom Children’s Hospital, or with any of the students’ practical needs. We pray you have a blessed remainder of 2022 in the Messiah’s love.

Pastors & CARP Project Coordinators

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